My 100 word story

This story was written by a member of my writing group.

Writing with Heather

My First Solo

Clunk-clunk click my heels as I step towards the white void. Thump-thump beats my heart slamming in my chest. A four-point-five tremor shakes my fingers as one hand grips the stand, the other slipping down the shaft of the microphone.

A mix of denim and bare legs wait, a blaring silence hushing the faceless bodies.

A single strum of the piano keys fills the auditorium, then another long strum, and finally, the violin joins in. I count down from three, open my mouth, and pray my voice doesn’t crack on my first note.

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Revision Sprint

Work, commute, family responsibilities, exercise, chores, errands--oh, and don't forget having fun and maintaining relationships and friends. When do I find time to write? I've been struggling with this for a long time. Usually I end up squeezing in little bits of writing in the evenings and on the weekend, in between other things, and … Continue reading Revision Sprint


What determines whether someone--whether they are an athlete, artist, musician, or in any other profession--is successful? It turns out it's not natural talent, or even intelligence. It's grit. At least, that's what Angela Duckworth says in Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance.  I've been listening to this book on Audible, and have been greatly … Continue reading Grit